Origin Story of the $100 Project


So around Christmas time 2022, I wanted to start something small for the New Year ahead…

I was thinking about how completely rekt people got over the past two years with the crypto bear market, inflation and rising costs, interest rates and the fallout from the pandemic - all this had so sorely affected people and I wanted to conduct an experiment to see how far I could multiply and grow $100 over just one year, basically to show what could be generated, even from such meagre beginnings.

The idea was pretty simple. I planned to use all the tools in my tool kit to generate an ever-flowing stream of money and then use that to reinvest into the crypto ecosystem, which I see as the only thing that can survive the corruption and futility of the traditional world of fiat currency.

I’m conducting my experiment in public because I think it’s important for accountability and as a means to show people that it’s not the amount with which you start that makes you rich, it’s the way in which you manage your money, your emotions and your mindset. It’s what you attract and the way you protect your downside. It’s what you do with what you’ve got that matters.

To this end, here is how the experiment started and how I hope it will evolve:


The 10 X leap from $100 to $1,000 will be through following all the strategies taught in my CASTLE Programme, such as capitalising on universal laws such as the Law of Attraction, Mirror Principle, the Compound Effect, and so on. Through sustaining healthy habits with regards to spending, saving and receiving money; having an abundance mindset; managing my $100 with care; and being open to and acting upon any income-generating ideas or opportunities that come my way.

Being that we are already 8 weeks into the project, I can share the following:

  • I received a cheque in the mail from MailChimp for a refund of over $313 from an account that was closed in 2016. Being in the flow of abundance can unclog the flow of money from all sorts of places, even 7-year old arrears!

  • I received multiple $100 tips from friends, acquaintances and colleagues for service I had offered them without any attachment to receiving a reward;

  • An idea came to me in the night that I acted upon the next day, and that netted me the rest of the money I needed to surpass my initial 10 X goal. So, between the 8th-9th week of the project, my tally went from $935.22 to close to $1,500.

Moving forward, and still maintaining these healthy habits, intentions and emotions, I will utilise all the skills and strategies I teach in the QUEENDOM (Crypto, DeFi & Income Automation training) and EMPIRE (Beginner’s Technical Analysis training) Programmes to multiply the tally many times over, throughout the course of the year.

The process will look a little like this:

  • Use the principles of the compound effect to accelerate my earning potential;

  • Use TA to actively trade the Forex and/or commodity markets to generate fiat currency;

  • Use TA and macroeconomics to actively trade the Crypto Spot and Derivatives markets (Futures and Options);

  • When protecting my capital by means of withdrawal from trading accounts, buy and HODL crypto in cold storage instead of keeping it stored as worthless fiat;

  • Use crypto trading bots where appropriate;

  • Invest in other income-producing assets where and when appropriate.

Updates on how the project is tracking will be posted regularly here on the blog and on Twitter.

Sounds like fun, right?! Here we go!

Take care out there and happy trading,

❤️ The Empress x