XA3: The AI-Driven Gold Spot Trading Bot


We love the XA3 AutoTrade Bot!

Wow, talk about sweet returns while you sleep! This is my new favourite thing because while I do love to trade the Gold Spot market myself, sometimes my emotions get the better of me and I risk too much, or sometimes I’m away on holiday or on business and am not able to place any trades. This is where the XA3 AutoTrader comes in.

You’re in luck because not only is the XA3 trading bot in beta mode but it was also created by my TA mentor, Ezone Constantine, which means that YOU get to get aboard the early-adopter train by mentioning that you have been invited to join the XA3 beta test by Queens of Capital.

What does the beta test mean?

A beta testing period is used to put the bot to test and to use our testimonies and results to tweak and improve the bot over around 12-24 months before releasing it to the public at large. Because we are the ones ensuring the bot’s ultimate success, we are the ones who get the perks of being early adopters and beta test pilots.


Users who join the beta test receive:

  • FREE access to the bot - You pay nothing for the done-for-you service of bot access and activation.

  • 3 months of FREE trading for up to 10 accounts - No trading fees or commissions, meaning 100% of the profits are yours.

  • A superb team of specialists and technical supporters managing your bots and trades.

  • A 50% discount on eventual trading fees - After your 3-month trial period has ended (or on any account above the initial 10 freebies), your trading fees are fixed at $47/month. The majority of users have that fee covered by referral commissions or one week of bot profits. After the beta test has ended, fees rise to $90/month (but watch this space because our QOC Empress has an ace up her sleeve to get your monthly fees reduced permanently!).

  • Referral commissions of 30% - That’s on every monthly fee paid by every account opened by your referrals. So, for example, if your friends John and June open 10 accounts each, after the 3-month trial period has ended, you’ll earn $14 for every $47 they pay, or $27 for every $90 they pay, for all accounts every month. Kaching! You can use these extra earnings to pay your own monthly fees, open new bots or withdraw for your own use.

Here are some examples of trading results from me and one of our users… 😃👏🏼

Total gain between May 22nd and Sept 4th 2023, equates to $1,557.18 or 174.64% on a starting capital of $1,000.

My personal results on one account from the 31st Jul-7th Sept 2023 (5.5 actual trading days), equating to 11.17% for the week or 2% per trading day.

My personal results on another account from the 31st Jul-14th Sept 2023; a 43.73% increase over 34 trading days, which equates to 1.28% per day.

How to get started

Easy, head to this link to register for the bot. There’s a free webinar to attend too, if you’d like to learn more about it first. You’ll find that here.


If you would like a free spreadsheet to help you keep track of your profits and withdrawals, please let us know. We’d be happy to send you one!


Happy trading!

Love, The Empress 💋