Mentorship Investment

I see you, dear one. I see you, I feel you, I know you, and I feel so honoured to accompany you along your journey to living your best life. Let’s do this!

Mentorship is my most intimate offering and is a journey of self-discovery and unbridled transformation that lasts one full calendar year.

This service is now only available through my dedicated website, Pax Aroha Mentorship. Please head over there to take advantage of this offering and learn how to transform every facet of your life for the better.

Life is so fleeting…don’t waste a single heartbeat still wishing. It’s time to collapse time and space to bring your best life into your NOW reality.

Let me take you there!

Pax 💋

Be Mentored.

All spots are filled for 2024. There is one spot open starting in early 2025.

Please note that Pax’s Mentorship service has moved over to